
— Fashion Designer and Textile Artist

With the dream of living a slower life and creating something meaningful I moved to a farm outside Trondheim with my little family in the spring of 2017. 

I’ve been into sustainability within fashion for a long time and felt a deep desire to make an impact by doing things differently. 

Back in 2013 I had already started a brand focusing on zero waste design and products, but it almost fell apart before it was started due to lack in funding and a failed production. Did I have the courage to start over? How could I do things differently? 

After a lot of back and fourth between my two passions – clothes and art – I have finally landed. I have finally dared to embody what I always have been yearning for – being an artist. Give myself the freedom of creating whatever my heart desire.

Because I found that sustainability is truly a revolution of the heart.

It’s not really about the right fabric, recycling or more tech. It’s not even about ‘slow fashion’, zero waste or #memadewardrobe. By all means, it can be! But first and foremost it’s about feeling effing good in your body. It’s about mending ourselves first, connect to our body and mother earth first so that we can choose more wisely. So that we can know what is right and wrong. So that we can know when we are aligned to our souls purpose.

Essentially that is what is most sustainable to this earth.

What I focus on is feeling absolutely amazing when I create. Getting so lit and feeling totally joyous by every slow move. When all that matters is the excilarating feeling in the body when the composition is good, when the colors talk to me, when putting on those beads by hand feels like I’m decorating the cosmos.

This is the liberation. This is the antidote to the 💩 system that makes people into robots. We have this amazing haven of a body that can feel and experience the most magical things if we only allow it. Getting into our body’s and be led by it. Listen, because she knows.

How good could it possible feel? How much fun can I possibly have? 

Forget the old paradigm where more and harder work equals success; the new paradigm challenges us to work smart and less – to bring more joy and ease into our busy lives. To slow down.  

We’re living in a time where old systems and societal structures need to fall so there can be room for new ones to emerge.

Please get in contact if you want to collaborate or have any inquiries.




Mulegrenda 95
7074 Spongdal